ActivityFix FAQ Privacy Sign In


Your ride. Your rules.

How it works

Getting started with ActivityFix is easy AF

Connect with Strava

No signup needed! We use your Strava account to log in so you don't have to remember another password. When you upload a new activity we'll automatically apply your rules to it.

Create Rules

Decide how and when you want your activities updated. Create as many rules as you'd like.

Enjoy the Ride

Get out there and record some activities!

What can ActivityFix do?

Rules you create can change or update several different settings in your activities and you can decide when a rule should be applied from a combination of up to 14 different comparison fields. Our rulebuilder makes it easy by letting you create a new rule one step at a time using simple drop-down selections.

Change any of these settings in your activities
  • Title
  • Description
  • Gear used
  • Activity type
  • Mark as commute
  • Mark as trainer/treadmill activity
  • Mute activity
  • Private notes
  • Map type
  • Workout type

When changing the title, description, or private notes you can also insert ride data and use custom counters which you define to keep count of what you care about like number of commute days or centuries.

Match on any combination of these comparison fields
  • Starting location
  • Ending location
  • Route proximity
    • Does the activity pass near a specific location
  • Activity type
  • ANT+ Sensors
    • Compare the ANT+ sensors used in the activity against a list of your saved ANT+ sensors - Requires a Garmin or Wahoo recording device
  • Garmin Profile
    • Compare against the name of the Garmin profile used to record the activity
  • Distance
  • Average speed
  • Day of week
  • Starting time
  • Is trainer ride
  • Power data available
  • Total Elevation
  • Elevation/Distance (ft/mi or m/km)
  • Recording device
  • Title
  • Moving time
  • ...and more

Example Rules

Set your trainer bike for any Virtual Rides (e.g. Zwift, TrainerRoad, etc...)

Mark your commute by comparing starting and ending location

Got a weekly group ride? Automatically set a title based on time and day

Set your bike based on the ANT+ sensors used during your activity

Use custom counters to keep count of things you care about

Insert ride data into the title or description for easy visibility (or to show off 🙂)


Strava Partial Outage

Since ~10pm GMT (5pm EST) Strava has been experiencing an outage impacting many services including their API. See for the latest on their site status.

While they work on resolving that issue, it is highly likely you will receive an error when attempting to sign in to ActivityFix. Most site functions are down as a result of the outage.

I have paused all activity processing for now. Once Strava's outage is resolved I will re-enable it and it should take a few hours to get through the backlog of activities. Thank you for your patience.